Gore Verbinski wants to start shooting

May 14, 2008 07:16 GMT  ·  By

It was only a matter of time till someone snapped the rights for a Bioshock movie tie-in. That someone is Universal Studios, which paid an undisclosed sum to Take Two Interactive for the intellectual property rights needed to create such a movie (the sum appears to be above the $10 million mark). They have already named a director for the movie, in the person of Gore Verbinski, who has also done the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy.

Bioshock is a creation of Ken Levine and his team over at 2K Boston. The game envisioned a beautiful and intriguing world in the underwater city of Rapture, created in an effort to help mankind progress and turned into ruins as the advancement proved to be something else than what everyone had thought. The lore of the game is very rich, even if the action can be a letdown at times. The Objectivism philosophy and the introduction of various characters as the game progresses make the player feel like part of an interactive movie, rather than as a simple weapon-wielding guy trapped in an underwater city.

The game is also getting a sequel,