Scientists claim the honey can fight back severe infections

Aug 12, 2013 20:56 GMT  ·  By

Scientists in the United Kingdom claim they have successfully created a new type of honey that can fight back severe infections typically labeled as incurable.

What's more, the researchers maintain that the newly developed bioengineered honey can significantly shorten the recovery period for people who have sustained noteworthy wounds.

Sources say that, up until now, the honey has been tested on babies, new mothers, the elderly and even cancer patients.

By the looks of it, the honey, dubbed Surgihoney, proved successful in curing women who had developed infections following their undergoing a c-section.

These women reportedly healed in twice less time than they would have if they had been administered run-off-the-mill drugs.

Researchers explain that, unlike other drugs now available on the market, this honey kills bacteria and at the same time encourages healing and doesn’t cause any further damage to the tissues on which it is applied.

Besides, patients with wounds and ulcers started feeling better in a matter of days, and individuals infected with the superbug MRSA also showed signs of improvement not long after being treated with the Surgihoney.

Lastly, the honey was found effective in terms of protecting the skin of cancer sufferers who were fitted with a catheter for chemotherapy.

Dr. Matthew Dryden, who has been using this newly developed type of honey to treat his patients for nearly a year now, commented on the product's effectiveness as follows:

“It will revolutionize wound care around the world. I have conducted numerous laboratory tests and compared it with honeys from around the world. I found Surgihoney better for treating every type of bug. So for the past year I have been using it on patients and the results have been amazing.”

“There are plenty of products that can kill bacteria but they often don’t help heal tissue. Honey is a fantastic natural medicine. The important extra is that it kills the bugs but doesn’t damage the tissue,” he further detailed.