Dragon Age: Origins will be a great PS3 game

Jul 15, 2009 06:23 GMT  ·  By

We've been hearing a lot about how some consoles offer distinct advantages over the others or how one specific platform is easier to develop for than the rest. While some developers or publishers praised the Xbox 360, others, especially studios that were working with Sony on exclusives, held the PlayStation 3 in high regard.

Now it's time for the vice president of BioWare, Greg Zeschuk, to share his and his studio's view on the console war, especially in regard to the PlayStation 3. The studio is still hard at work polishing the upcoming Dragon Age: Origins title, which will be heading not only to the Sony console but also to the Xbox 360 and PC.

“It's been interesting,” Zelschuk said. “It's actually been quite good. We discovered a couple of things we did were pretty beneficial. We have multiple threads going for the game and it looks really great on the PS3. You can just throw them on all different processors, for example.”

“It's new. Because we already had experience on 360, that kind of got ahead a little bit, but now we pretty much caught up. Actually it was very exciting. People on the team were really pumped to work on it. They were like, wow. We have a lot of people that like doing new stuff and trying new things, and they were like, wow another platform, can't wait! It's been good.”

But while the PlayStation 3 may have a few advantages in terms of hardware power, the BioWare executive says that there won't be any major differences between the two versions of the game. “Oh yeah. I can't say absolutely for sure. There will be elements that will be better the actual graphics hardware is different on them, so one may be brighter than the other, but definitely the content will be absolutely the same.”