Gamers will be able to use his knowledge to solve the core quests

Jul 1, 2014 23:15 GMT  ·  By

After the reveal of the new character Solas for Dragon Age: Inquisition, the developers working on the role-playing game at BioWare are also ready to deliver some more information on the character, which is described as being a master of the Fade.

Patrick Weekes, one of the writers in charge of the game, says on the official site that the Elf apostate has been long on the run and in hiding because he was practicing his magic without the sanction of the authorities, which means that the Templars were free to hunt him down.

The character is one of the few mages who were never part of a Circle, which means that he is mostly an autodidact, with a focus on pure knowledge rather than on offensive capabilities.

The BioWare developer says Solas is a keen observer of the Fade, described as an "incredible place full of dreams and memories, imprints left behind by powerful emotions or events in our world. Solas has trained himself to do something a lot like lucid-dreaming. He goes to ancient ruins where the Veil is thin, goes to sleep, and actually experiences the history of places no one else has seen in centuries."

Solas is one of the few beings who have entered the Fade enough times to understand its true nature, and that means he is able to enter it and find something more than the demons who are at the moment assaulting the world using the breach in the Fade.

Weekes explains the new character has a perspective that can help the Inquisition in its efforts to find the cause of the phenomenon, which is magical in nature, and then close it down.

The writer says, "I personally love characters who are intelligent, characters who don’t necessarily break the universe they’re in, but who make players reexamine their own assumptions and look at that world in a new way. It’ll be interesting to see who thinks he’s fascinating and who thinks he’s out of his ever-Fade-loving mind."

Solas will have a close relationship with Cole, the spirit companion, and a tenser one with The Iron Bull, the former Qunari spy, and with Vivienne, who is closely aligned with the Circle of the Mages.

At the moment, it's unclear how many characters BioWare plans to create for Dragon Age: Inquisition.

The role-playing game is set to be launched on October 7 on the PC, the Xbox One, the PlayStation 4 and current-gen consoles.