They will get access to new end-game Operations, Warzones and Flashpoints

Mar 2, 2012 08:05 GMT  ·  By

The Austin studio of video game developer BioWare has announced that fans of their recently launched MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic can get a chance to test upcoming content for the MMO in the coming weeks as long as they have the free time and live in the state of Texas in the United States.

Joveth Gonzales, who is a community manager working at BioWare on Star Wars: The Old Republic, has posted on the official website of the game saying that the team needs as many skilled players as possible in order to test out Operations, Warzones and Flashpoints that will be linked to the endgame of the MMO.

BioWare is ready to pay those that it selects for the testing positions for the duration of the test period.

The company has not offered any information on exactly what kind of Operations, Warzones and Flashpoints the game will receive.

The MMO nature of Star Wars: The Old Republic means that the development team working on the game needs to keep pumping out content in order to keep the player base engaged with the game and paying the subscription.

Experienced players have said that they are able to get through all the content one class has to offer in the BioWare made game in about one month in real time.

At the moment BioWare has confirmed that it is working on the second major patch for Star Wars: The Old Republic, which will fix a number of gameplay problems while also adding more customizations options and introducing some new areas for gamers to enjoy.

There are also new family relations that will shape the way characters relate to each other.

BioWare has also hinted that at some point during 2012 it will introduce a new major gameplay mechanics to the MMO, which will radically change the way players approach the game.