The company will focus on choice and consequences

Jan 6, 2015 10:30 GMT  ·  By

Big Bad Wolf might sound like an odd name for a new video game development studio, but it might also offer an insight into the outlook of the veteran team that founded it and the way they will tackle the creation process on their first intellectual property.

In an official announcement, the members of the new entity explain that they have worked for companies as varied as Blizzard, Ubisoft and Cyanide, with experience in creating and launching World of Warcraft, Styx: Master of Shadows, Of Orcs and Men, and the Game of Thrones role-playing game incarnation.

Big Bad Wolf aims to create role-playing games with a focus on narrative elements and to blend both emotion and choice in interesting ways.

The studio is located in France and at the moment it is not collaborating with any publisher.

The official page states, “Many have already worked on the sentiment of choice, but not on choice itself. And what perilous work it is, this question of what choices to offer the player, realistically, in the standardized and constrained world that is a video game.”

Big Bad Wolf already has a first game in development

The developers are saying that their first project is using a new and dark intellectual property which aims to deliver a mature experience set in an enclosed space.

Apparently, launch will take place on the PlayStation 4 from Sony, the Xbox One from Microsoft and the PC.

The team adds, “Our desire is to create a new kind of RPG, with a new approach where we revisit the genre. We are still in the pre-production stage, but the adventure already looks set to be an exciting one.”

The game engine is created in house and is apparently designed to blend realism and an abstract look.

Big Bad Wolf believes that the role-playing game needs to offer interesting decisions where each possible choice unsettles the player and makes the consequences important for the future flow of the experience.