Might become vaporware

Aug 25, 2009 08:42 GMT  ·  By

GamesCom was a delight for most gamers but it seems that at least one group of fans might be a bit sad following the convention. Colin Solal Cardo, who works for consumer site Gamesyde, has tweeted that “I got confirmation at Cologne's Gamescom that Beyond Good & Evil 2 is on hold for now. No idea if it's def or temporary but [it’s not OK].”

Ubisoft said back in 2008 that the title was in development following the leak of a trailer for it. At the moment, the studio is probably directing resources to more crucial titles, like Assassin's Creed 2 or I Am Alive, which have already been delayed and have a bigger potential audience than Beyond Good & Evil 2.

Laurent Detoc, who is the president of publisher Ubisoft, has also cast a little bit of a shadow over the videogame by telling Gamezine.co.uk that “Whether or not it comes out remains to be seen anyway, but we didn't want to abandon that IP because it has a cachet and authenticity about it. There's something very pure about that game and it's too bad that we were not able to build it as an IP at the time.”

When pressed to confirm or deny the existence of the new Beyond Good & Evil title, he preferred to deflect the question again, stating that “Well, I didn't say there's definitely going to be another game. I said something had leaked, which means we've been working on some Beyond Good and Evil stuff, but whether there's going to be another game or not, that's something for the future.”

The first Beyond Good & Evil was praised by gamers and became a cult hit because of the maturity of the matters it talked about, because of the strong female lead it presented and of the complex universe depicted.