Aug 30, 2011 14:59 GMT  ·  By

Twitter usage records are not exactly anything new, the site is still growing so this kind of things will happen over and over again. Still, it's worth mentioning the events that drive Twitter users into a frenzy.

So far, natural disasters, sporting events, the New Year and anything related to Japan have created the most buzz, but the current title holder for the event that sparked the most tweets per seconds in Twitter history is Beyonce's pregnancy announcement at the VMAs.

Twitter announced that right after her performance, which showed a clearly visible baby belly, sent everyone watching to their phones, tablets and laptops to spread the news, so much so that Twitter saw a peak 8,868 tweets per second.

"Last night at 10:35pm ET, Beyonce's big MTV #VMA moment gave Twitter a record bump: 8,868 Tweets per second," Twitter said in a tweet.

The previous record was barely a month old when it got broken, indicating perhaps that Twitter usage is still on the rise. Or it may be a sign that the right kind of event had to happen.

It probably helped that it was related to a TV event, viewers and TV networks alike have been loving Twitter for the past few years, it's safe to say that it's one of the most popular web tools for old media.

The previous record was at 7,196 tweets per second, set during the Women's World Cup final between the US and, you guessed it, Japan. It didn't hurt that the two countries are some of the biggest on the site.

The record before that was set shortly after midnight on New Year's Day in Japan. 6,939 tweets per second were sent then. Before that, Twitter's biggest moment was during a World Cup match between Japan and Denmark, when 3,283 tweets per second were sent.