In the maximum speed century, allow natural treatments to make you feel calm and relaxed again

Jun 17, 2006 12:00 GMT  ·  By

Anxiety is one of the main disorders of the century because the nowadays world is a fast-paced road towards violence, debt and declining moral values. We become more and more workaholic, we sleep late, wake up early, work long over hours, not take enough rest and leisure time and eat junk food when time allows us.

Consequently, anxiety's causes refer mostly to life changes or stressful events, but there are many cases when it has no obvious cause.

Anxiety is a feeling of apprehension, uneasiness, agitation, uncertainty and fear. Symptoms of anxiety include feelings of increased tension, helplessness, inadequacy, fear, distress and worry, which are manifested upon the body through palpitations (rapid heart beat), trembling, sweaty hands and inability to sleep.

It is estimated that up to 6.5% of the world population has suffered from a diagnosable anxiety disorder, while many more people struggle with uncomfortable and distressing symptoms of stress and anxiety.

Natural treatments for anxiety consist in simple every day rules, such as eliminating usual drinking of coffee, avoiding blood sugar-destabilizing foods such as refined sugar, caffeine, and alcohol, eating small, frequent meals and supplementing your diet with chromium, B vitamins, magnesium, and other micro-nutrients.

Exercising is also an effective method of managing stress and anxiety. Paradoxically, leisure and a good sleep work as efficiently on anxiety as physical activity, associated with alternative medical therapies that induce the individual a feeling of serenity and tranquility: aromatherapy, massage therapy, breathing exercises, yoga, tai chi, hypnosis, meditation etc.

Aromatherapy with essential oils from plants functions by adding the sweet and relaxing flavored oils to baths, massage lotions or infusions or by simply massaging the scalp and temples before sleeping with a few drops of oils. The most used oil extracts in aromatherapy are those of bergamot, cypress, geranium, jasmine, lavender, melissa, rose, and ylang-ylang.

Herbs and other natural remedies are becoming an increasingly popular alternative to prescription drugs for the treatment of anxiety. While anti-anxiety medications do work well, there is always the fear that they become habitual or cause side effects, whereas herbal remedies for anxiety are safer and do not lead to any forms of dependence or addiction.

Kava plant, originating in Polynesia, is widely used in Europe against nervous anxiety, tension, agitation, and insomnia. Chamomile is usually used in insomnia conditions because it induces a state of relaxation and drowsiness.

Valerian is a herbal tranquilizer that is best known as a remedy for insomnia, as it calms down the nervous system, balances mood swings, and is not habit forming. For better results, it can be blended with other plants such as passion flower. Nevertheless, children, pregnant women or people who have a weaker immune system should not make use of this plant before consulting a doctor.

Other herbs used for calming the body and mind and preventing stress, insomnia and uneasiness are: lemon balm, catnip, fennel, hops, mother wort, skull cap, St. John's wort.

But the most efficient cure for anxiety and stress is the most common and handy one: the welfare of your own person counts the most. Allow yourself to laugh and feel good, enjoy every moment and don't think too intensely about what has happened or what will happen; this will certainly lead to the cure of any anxiety disorder.