MSN's site gives you the chance

Nov 23, 2007 11:58 GMT  ·  By

Whether you're a fan of J.K. Rowling's writing or you're just a fan of Emma Watson it doesn't really matter. You get to try out for a part in the next Harry Potter movie to hit the cinemas by November 2008.

You'll need to know something about the whole series and especially about one of the last books in the series that was released, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix," in order to maximize your chances, as a series of questions will be presented to you, one a week, until December 20. Today is the first day, so try to get it right.

The prize will be a small role in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, alongside stars like Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint. Jim Broadbent will also be joining the cast for the sixth film in the series.

Get ready to fight Lord Valdemort's memory or living presence, the creatures that dwell deep within the forest and the little annoying Slitherins with that obnoxious Snape kid at the helm. It angers me just to mention his name.

When I first read this book (it's the longest of the series) I know I would have wanted to be there as my imagination roamed the halls of the Ministry of Mysteries and fought against the Death Eaters with unknown strengths and a lot more spells than were used in the book and taught in Hogwarts. Unfortunately, I cannot mention many of them as the magic words that triggered them are not so? orthodox to say it in a polite manner. "Get the f**k away from him and die a long, horrible death surrounded by molten lava while poisoned by ten snake bites that paralyze you" would be one of the lesser obscene ones. It wouldn't have been one of the easiest to recite but I always considered myself to be more of a "sniping" character so I probably would have hidden behind a column and eliminated the Eaters one by one.

Whoa, that slipped my tongue? time to cool down there, Sparky!