DICE details plans

Feb 9, 2009 08:07 GMT  ·  By

DICE seems to be one of the most important development studios for Electronic Arts at the moment. The company has already said that it plans to create a new Battlefield: Bad Company title based on the same Frostbite engine but with more destruction, which is set to arrive in 2010, and Mirror's Edge 2, a sequel to the free running innovation of 2008, is also said to be included in the studio's development plans.

DICE is also offering info related to Battlefield 1943, another title bearing the brand originally used for multiplayer oriented games that pioneered big combat areas and vehicular combat. Battlefield 1943 will return to World War II, where the franchise was born, offering gamers a chance to play in three locations which were crucial to the war in the Pacific: Wake Island, the grueling Guadalcanal and the bloody Iwo Jima.

The game will support up to 24 players in matches and DICE will implement a system to emphasize both the combat focused around control of trenches and the importance of aerial power and combat. If you're in New York, you can take an early look at the game at the upcoming New York Comic Con, which takes place from February 6 to 8.

But until they can focus on those upcoming projects, the people at DICE need to put some time into wrapping up development on Battlefield Heroes, another game they are developing for Electronic Arts that seeks to innovate and attract new players to first person shooters.

Battlefield Heroes is set to be free to play and has a more stylized look, while the gameplay mechanics have been simplified. The Electronic Arts financial report says that the game could make it to players by the end of March and that the beta stage was re-opened in January. Let's hope that the game will not see another delay.