2 million players joining it

Sep 29, 2009 07:07 GMT  ·  By

Electronic Arts has announced that it plans to release a new update for Battlefield Heroes, called Heroes of the Fall, set to arrive on September 30. All those who have downloaded the free-to-play videogame and plan to play it should download the update, which comes packed with a fresh map, yet to be named.

EA is also saying that there are 2 million people playing Battlefield Heroes, which shows that the shooter is interesting for gamers and that its mechanics are easy to grasp and fun.

The game is not subscription based and everyone can pick up the client and launch it. The funds needed to run Battlefield Heroes are obtained through advertising and through a system of micro payments, called Battlefunds, which can be used alongside Valor Points to get new character customization options.

Ben Cousins, who is the general manager working on the Battlefield Heroes team, stated that “Along with this new map, ‘Heroes of the Fall’ includes a slew of changes including upgrades of the Gunner class and improvements to the friends system. We’ve also added a brand new ranking system for the game – players can earn cool new titles for their heroes as they play – showing everyone on the battlefield how dedicated they are.”

The new Battlefield Heroes map will be better suited for infantry than for vehicles as it is mostly built around a village criss-crossed by narrow paths. The setting offers plenty of opportunities for flanking maneuvers and for stealth kills but bigger battles will also be engaged around bridges that cross a nearby river. Players are invited to help name the new map by logging into the official site of Battlefield Heroes and offering up their suggestions.