Visceral promised a complete FPS experience

Jan 8, 2015 00:21 GMT  ·  By

One of the many big budget games that got delayed the last year, Battlefield Hardline is only three months from release. Until then though, developer Visceral plans to kick off another beta, which is meant to provide it with more feedback from players.

Although the feedback from players was the main reason for its delay, executive producer Steve Papoutsis says that moving the game back was the right call.

The improvements Visceral has been able to add until now, thanks to the extra time, will surely make Battlefield Hardline “the complete FPS experience” Papoutsis said in a letter to fans.

With about three months left until the release of the game, Visceral confirmed that next week it would announce the first details on the beta.

In addition, Battlefield Hardline developer announces fans that they can tune in each week for new spotlights featuring exclusive game and behind-the-scenes content.

Fans will be offered new details about the game each week until release

Basically, each Wednesday starting this week and until launch, Visceral will be providing Battlefied fans with more information about the next title in the franchise.

New information on features, game modes and more will be unveiled on a weekly basis until March, so there might not be too many things left to learn about Battlefield: Hardline when it launches.

Although Visceral said that the first beta details for Battlefield Hardline would arrive next week, Steve Papoutsis confirmed that there would be a multiplayer beta for all platforms at some point, which will present players with “a small slice of the game.” Obviously, the multiplayer beta will also be used to stress test the servers, among other things.

Battlefield: Hardline will be released in North America on March 17 on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One and Xbox 360. The Europeans will be able to play it beginning March 19 on all platforms.