Weapons, options and countermeasures can be tweaked

Sep 16, 2013 13:15 GMT  ·  By

The development team at DICE says that it is introducing a number of new customization options for all the vehicles in the new Battlefield 4 in order to give gamers more freedom to personalize their favorite weapons and use them more efficiently.

The team writes on the official blog of the game that it is keeping the rock, paper, scissors system from the previous title in the series, while enhancing some aspects of the experience.

Gamers will have to evaluate the tactical situation that they will face and then make decisions on the kind of ammunition they will use and the secondary abilities they can deploy.

The team offers an example via the MBT, a popular choice of vehicles, and says, “When picking your primary weapon you’re faced with the choice of a 120MM Armor Piercing Shell or a High Explosive Shell. The former is reasonably fast and deals a good amount of direct damage, but the latter spells heavy damage against armored targets, at the cost of a slower flight speed of the shells.”

Camouflage use is also important because it allows gamers to hide their presence and can increase their survivability level.

Battlefield 4 introduces customization for the primary weapon, the secondary weapon, upgrades, optics and countermeasures, which means that players can create a vehicle that’s suited to their combat needs.

The team adds, “Having all these customization options available will not only add longevity to the game, it will make your time on the Battlefield personal and deep. We truly hope and suspect you will enjoy figuring out what setup is right for you, for all the specific scenarios.”

Battlefield 4 will be out on October 29 in North America and on November 1 in Europe, on the PC and current-gen consoles, with versions for the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 available when the new devices are launched.