Jul 5, 2011 08:00 GMT  ·  By

Battlefield 3, the upcoming military first-person shooter from developer DICE and publisher Electronic Arts, won't try to impose its own set of gameplay options on the player, as the studio admitted that this sort of strategy usually ends up driving off actual players who are sick of playing in a handful of ways.

The end of the year is set to host the massive battle between EA's Battlefield 3 and Activision's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

In order to properly highlight the strengths of its own game, Battlefield 3 developer DICE has now emphasized just how many options are given to players in the new title, as opposed to the much older Battlefield 2.

"We thought a lot about Battlefield 2 and how Battlefield 3 would relate to it. The mindset at DICE during the development of Battlefield 2 was pretty much: 'Play the game our way, or play something else'," said Lars Gustavsson, lead multiplayer designer.

"Now, we have made a conscious effort to reverse that mentality. The goal with Battlefield 3 is to offer a vast variety of gameplay experiences and to be inviting to everyone. We're not telling you how to play the game. You choose."

The developer confirmed that, when the studio created the second Battlefield game, it really wanted to show off the unique aspects of its special multiplayer modes, so it dismissed the notion that players would want other, more traditional modes.

This, thankfully, isn't happening with Battlefield 3, as there will be plenty of multiplayer modes to satisfy all sorts of gamers, according to Gustavsson.

"Part of it is in the variety of game modes and the types of environments you can play in -- from the wide open battlefields that people learned to love in Battlefield 2, to the urban gritty maps with their tighter gameplay focus," said the developer.

"Combining these two elements and adding destruction and our social Battlelog hub in the same package is something I believe no one else is capable of - and that just makes it doubly entertaining for me to deliver on!"

Battlefield 3 is currently scheduled to appear on the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on October 26.