Nov 23, 2010 14:41 GMT  ·  By

A real-life device that delivers the same level of functionality as one of the trademark accessories of one of the world's best-known comic book characters is, without a doubt, one of the coolest possible topics, and that's exactly the case with the Pneumatic Launcher from Battelle, that resembles so much the famous grappling hook launched of the Batman.

The Tactical Air Initiated Launch (TAIL) system is used to propel a titanium grappling hook towing a Kevlar line for use in Visit Board Search and Seizure (VBSS) operations.

Moreover, it also can be used for fire rescue operations, life vest deployment, or other activities, since the TAIL system, using compressed air to launch the hook, can clear an obstacle up to 100 feet high and up to 60 feet away.

Besides enhanced performance at reduced cost, the TAIL system's simple, rugged design boosts safety and reliability with the advantage of low maintenance, while its simplicity has yet another benefit, namely the fact that the system can throw any object that fits into its barrel.

In fact, the TAIL system provides a large number of potential uses, including tactical hook and line or hook and ladder deployment, line deployment for ship to ship re-supply, line deployment for water or fire rescue, life vest deployment for Coast Guard and rescue units, mine clearance and even the delivery of sensitive electronic payloads.

"The TAIL system lets the user fire a grappling hook without the noise, explosives, or safety issues of powder-driven units," said Jim LaBine, the TAIL system designer.

"That's important for special operations but the system is adaptable and can be used in many applications," added Mr. LaBine.

Given the rather specialized nature of this device, we believe that it will be quite far from what we call mainstream, but we can still dream of getting one of these Batman-like pieces of gear some day.