New adventures for The Dark Knight

Mar 16, 2009 18:11 GMT  ·  By

Video games are becoming extremely popular these days, and a lot of people are buying them because they want to try out new things, or see their favorite characters from other branches of entertainment delve into new adventures. That is why the comic book industry has developed a pretty long partnership with the gaming one and has brought famous characters from the colored pages of books onto gamers’ screens.

One of the most recent characters announced to grace fans in video game form is none other than one of the most talked about heroes of last year, Batman. He will appear in Eidos' Batman: Arkham Asylum title, which will be released on June 9 for the PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 platforms.

Now, as the launch date is slowly but surely approaching, the company has decided to offer us some more insight into the game, and has released new details about the box art that will appear on the standard edition and some remote information about the collector's edition of the title, which will be available for pre-order soon from select retail stores.

People who decide that they want a premier experience will have to pay 100 dollars for the Collector's Edition, according to the GameStop website, which currently lists the following items as part of the package, besides the game disk: a DC Comics Custom Encyclopedia, DLC Pack 1, Bonus DVD with Behind the Scenes feature, a CD with the soundtrack and, most importantly, a 12-inch Batarang, a weapon that is used by the main character to subdue a lot of enemies.

That's right, you'll get your own bat-shaped boomerang that you can fling around when you're not playing the game. Also, the action adventure title, which will feature some detective fragments in which Batman will need to find out evidence about his most dangerous opponents, like The Joker, Poison Ivy or The Penguin, will be Games For Windows Live enabled.

Until more details appear on the game, you'll have to wait and delight yourselves with the screenshots that appeared so far.