The man dozed off while working, took a quick nap on the keyboard

Jun 11, 2013 09:30 GMT  ·  By
Bank employee accidentally transfers millions into a bank account after falling asleep on the job
   Bank employee accidentally transfers millions into a bank account after falling asleep on the job

A retiree was supposed to have €62.40 ($82.45) transferred into his bank account. Thanks to a really sleepy German bank employee, he found himself swimming in money.

The German employee was carrying out a simple transfer when he dozed off. While napping on top of the keyboard, he typed in an order of €222,222,222.22 (some $293 million) instead of €62.40 that the retiree was more or less anxiously waiting to get.

Another bank employee overlooked the mistake, and gave the transfer the thumbs up, sources say.

Unfortunately for the retiree, the bank soon figured out that something was seriously off, and didn't delay sorting out the problem.

Word has it that the sleepy employee’s colleague got fired for not noticing the error in time. He later filed a complaint with a judge, who decided that he should get his job back.

Presently, it is still unclear whether or not the bank employee who started the entire affair was also given the sack.