Wearing your pants low was first imposed in the prison system, where belts were off-limits

Apr 16, 2013 08:53 GMT  ·  By
Offensive, inappropriate baggy pants are outlawed in a small town in Louisiana
   Offensive, inappropriate baggy pants are outlawed in a small town in Louisiana

In the town of Terrebonne Parish in Louisiana, wearing your pants so low that they almost reach your ankles is now against the law.

The regulations have been imposed by the town council, who have voted on the respect, deciding that the fashion statement is inappropriate. Whoever disregards the fashion ban will incur a $50 (€38) fine and repeat offenders get to dish out $100 (€76).

You might say that the vote makes imposing the regulation constitutional but many are complaining about their 14th Amendment rights being violated.

“No Citizen should be deprived of ‘life, liberty or property’ and that no person should be denied equal protection of the law,” said article reads.

It doesn't mention anything about the right to wear baggy pants that show off your underpants, possibly offending others.

Meebal mentioned that this trend was started in prisons, where inmates weren't allowed to wear belts and it was later picked up by hip-hop singers, making their way into mainstream fashion.

Weigh in on the debate and write what you think about the law in the comments section.