The cubs still haven't ventured outside their den, it won't be long until they do

Jul 24, 2013 18:26 GMT  ·  By

Three baby Malayan tigers born at Zoo Halle in Germany have just opened their eyes for the first time.

They're also trying to figure out what odd purposes their tiny feet could possibly serve, and have managed to take a few wobbly steps. Sources say that the three cubs were born at this facility on June 21. Because they are very young and frail, they still haven't ventured outside their den.

It will probably be another month until they do, zookeepers believe.

Their mother, Cindy, watches their every step. The cubs are her fourth litter, so there is no denying that she is an experienced mom and that the tiny fur balls are safe as long as they stay by her side.

Presently, just 500 such tigers are estimated to inhabit the species' natural habitat in Peninsular Malaysia.

Conservationists are working hard to save Malayan tigers from going extinct, and say that the birth of these cubs proves that their efforts are not in vain.