The 3-day-old hippo already dives underwater, acts like an experienced swimmer

Jul 20, 2013 20:31 GMT  ·  By

Three days ago, 22-year-old Helvetia, a female hippopotamus living at Zoo Basel in Switzerland, delivered a not-so-little bundle of joy.

Keepers say, as far as they can tell, the baby hippo weighs somewhere between 65 and 110 pounds (30 and 50 kilograms). They haven't examined it yet, so they don't know if it's a boy or a girl.

It already dives underwater to drink from its mom, and acts like an experienced swimmer, Zoo Borns reports.

The baby hippo's father, 23-year-old Wilhelm, has been trying to catch a glimpse of his offspring ever since birth.

Unfortunately, Helvetia is anything but willing to let anyone come between her and her baby.

Caretakers say that, in the days to come, the mother hippo will stop being so protective of her offspring, and that the visitors to the zoo will get to see the family swimming together.