Her caretakers wear monkey suits, try behaving as Gladys' parents would

Mar 29, 2013 10:48 GMT  ·  By

Towards the beginning of March, I introduced you to an adorable-looking baby gorilla which had to be transferred to the Cincinnati Zoo because of her mother's refusing to keep looking after her.

Recent news on the topic says that Gladys, as this baby gorilla is named, has grown accustomed to both her new surrounding and her new family.

The staff at said animal sanctuary have to put on special fur monkey suits whenever they plan on spending some time together with the baby gorilla. These suits help the animal feel more at ease, seeing how they mimic the appearance of those of her kind.

Gladys' caretakers are no strangers to literally monkeying around either. Thus, they do their best to behave in ways fairly similar to that of a real gorilla, and hope that their acting in this manner will help Gladys continue to thrive.

Presently, the baby gorilla is learning to roll over, stand up (nearly) straight and get about on all fours. Once Gladys is a little older and stronger, the staff at the zoo plan on finding an adoptive gorilla mother for her.

Pictures of Gladys are available here.