The tiny creature was born at Spain's Bioparc Valencia in late January

Mar 5, 2014 15:03 GMT  ·  By

Staff at Spain's Bioparc Valencia has recently released some photos showing a baby aardvark chilling with its mom inside the family den and, quite frankly, odds are there are some people who would have much appreciated it if they didn't.

This is because, as easily noticeable in the picture above, this baby aardvark is a long way from being crowned the belle of the ball.

Still, the good news is that its mom loves and adores it, and could not care less about what others might have to say about its physique.

Zoo Borns tells us that the tiny creature was born at Bioparc Valencia some time ago, on January 25. At the time when it first arrived into this world, it had floppy ears, no hair, and it was almost completely covered in wrinkles.

When it was about three weeks old, its ears finally decided to stand upright on their own, and the baby's body is just now starting to become covered in hair.

Caretakers say that its mom is doing an excellent job looking after it, and that it will continue to nurse it until it is about three months old.

For those unaware, the aardvark is a species of mammals native to Africa. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature considers it to be a species of least concern, but there are some who fear that its population is steadily dropping due to habitat loss.