Texas-based company claims it has developed a non-polluting fuelless engine

Jan 9, 2012 12:19 GMT  ·  By
Texas-based BB Motor Corp claims its J.I.M.S. Engine requires no fuel and generates no harmful emissions
   Texas-based BB Motor Corp claims its J.I.M.S. Engine requires no fuel and generates no harmful emissions

Nowadays, the development of miraculous solutions aiming to cut down energy costs and pollution is one of the hottest green trends, Texas-based BB Motor Corp is following the same path, announcing a one-of-a-kind breakthrough: the J.I.M.S engine that requires no fuel and generates no emissions.

It would also be energy-efficient, since BB Motor Corp highlights it would produce a significant amount of energy, liberating users from huge electricity bills, polluters and fuel investments, Examiner informs.

Even though their engine sounds like a Holy Grail and no extra details regarding the actual technology involved in the process are being offered, the manufacturing company states their revolutionary prototype can offer up to 100,000 foot-pounds of torque.

Since the power obtained would exceed the energy demand of an average household, the excess could be sold back to the grid and turned into financial earnings.

Even though the company doesn't reveal any other specification, it seems eager to implement its environmentally friendly engine, considered "so unique, that it has the ability to power homes, businesses and vehicles without the need for fuel and without generating harmful emissions."

Rumor has it that the innovative engine could run on compressed air. Under these circumstances, the idea of an engine producing energy at no costs is a tad far-fetched. However, by comparison with a V8 engine, the J.I.M.S prototype is expected to be more reliable and energy-efficient.

“The average torque for the V-8 engine is 225-400 lbs, the torque for the J.I.M.S. engine is estimated to be in excess of 100,000 lbs.The average V-8 engine has 137 moving parts (not counting all the moving parts in the distributor and carburetor), and the J.I.M.S. engine has 5.V-8 engines run at an average rpm range of 800 to 4000 and the J.I.M.S. engine is designed to run at 50 to 700 rpms,” reveal the developers.

Taking into account all these features, the company forecasts a lifespan of 1,000,000+ miles for the eco-friendly engine. Meanwhile, despite being secretive about its revolutionary fuelless prototype, it has also announced the development of a JT-50 clean generator.

It would be powered by the J.I.M.S. engines and could be used to supply homes and businesses with clean power. Both concepts are expected to green up the market in a few months.