So-called e-reader really makes it hard for people to keep viewing it as such

Dec 12, 2011 14:47 GMT  ·  By

There is a lot decidedly un-e-reader-like about the Nook Color from Barnes and Noble and now there is even more to make it qualify almost perfectly as a tablet.

Barnes and Noble just officially announced an update to the software of their Nook Color e-reader.

The item already had a hard enough time of continuing to qualify as such instead of being labeled as a tablet outright.

Alas, the new additions to its capabilities don't make it any easier for its status as e-reader to be enforced.

After all, supporting Netflix and Flixter isn't exactly something that people would expect from an e-book reading device.

Nonetheless, this is precisely what B&N added to the list: Netflix and Flixter apps, along with Nook Comics (access to Marvel's large collection), Nook Newsstand (newspapers, obviously), Nook Kids (picture books) and more Nook Books (expanded the collection of e-books).

“Building upon our award-winning reading experience and vast digital content catalog, we are excited to offer our largest NOOK Color software update ever that will bring access to movies, TV shows, hundreds of new apps, comics, graphic novels and more to our time-tested, critically acclaimed Reader’s Tablet,” said William Lynch, chief executive officer of Barnes & Noble.

“This innovative product continues to receive high acclaim as an Editor’s Choice and is ranked among the most highly rated eReaders by many leading technology reviewers.”

The 1.41 update is rightfully described as the biggest yet and enables some extras, like a landscape reading option.

Users will just have to keep their Nook open and connected to WiFi for the update to be automatically applied (a zip file exists as well, for those who want a more proactive approach).

“At the incredibly low price of $199, customers can discover all types of interactive content specifically designed for the stunning, 7-inch display, in addition to staying connected through email and the web,” Lynch said.

“We encourage customers to stop by their local Barnes & Noble this holiday season to learn about the whole portfolio of NOOK devices and receive free support from one of our highly-trained NOOKsellers.”