The game will capture some of the magic of the blockbuster movie

May 7, 2012 12:18 GMT  ·  By

The comic book and movie-oriented teams at the Marvel Studios were intimately involved with the development of the upcoming Avengers Chronicles expansion for Marvel Pinball, giving the developers ideas on how to translate the superhero experience to the classic medium of pinball.

Chris Baker, who is the interactive content coordinator at Zen Studios, has told the United States official PlayStation Blog, “One of the coolest parts of the development experience for me was shooting ideas around with Executive Producer Jeremy Latcham, Creative Manager of R&D Will Corona Pilgrim and few others of Marvel Studios’ finest.”

He added, “They were genuinely enthused about the process, and I credit them fully with coming up with inspiring some of the missions, as well as the idea of having the Helicarrier act as the setting for the board. Once things were in full swing, Will was especially helpful, providing detailed feedback on everything from character animations to the minute details of the table’s script.”

Marvel also helped by giving the developers at Zen Studios access to the assets of the Avengers movie before they were publicly available, making sure that the two products were visually consistent.

The digital assets were used to create the Quinjet, SHIELD monitors with their images, Iron Man, Hulk and many other elements of the pinball board.

The movie version of The Avengers has managed to shatter records on release and has become the highest grossing movie over a single weekend.

A lot of fans of the comic books and the movie are expected to also check out the experience that Marvel Pinball delivers.

The game is available on the Xbox Live Arcade service from Microsoft and on the PlayStation Network from Sony, and this year it is also expected to launch on the PlayStation Vita and the Nintendo 3DS handhelds, the Nintendo Wii home console and the PC.