
Feb 2, 2005 09:59 GMT  ·  By

At the end of the month there's always that blessed little moment when your check comes in and you feel somewhat relieved, for as little as a few hours until you start spending it all to a full couple of days. What if when you do you that check you also get a bill for whatever bandwidth you "stole" while chatting with friends, downloaded stuff from the Internet and who knows what websites you chose to visit (tisk, tisk!)

Well, Aussies had enough of that, companies that is, and decided that billing employees for Internet use is a real option if Australian-based Exinda Networks' URL Bandwidth monitoring system takes off.

The company claims to have come up with a system that allows an employer to monitor exactly which Web sites are visited by each individual employee and how much bandwidth has been used so that every byte "wrongfully" downloaded can be linked to its owner.

The URL and bandwidth monitoring system was designed to ensure employees can be held responsible for the cost of misused bandwidth and time.

Thank God, not everybody shares this idea of charging employees. Bandwidth is relatively cheap and employees get a "morale boost" from having some freedom to surf at work, so by taking away those rights, employers could end up with a pretty depressed crowd and productivity levels could go straight down.