Until now, just 24 such creatures have been bred in captivity

Sep 19, 2013 20:31 GMT  ·  By

Staff at Australia Zoo has recently announced that the facility is home to a baby echidna. The creature, pictured above, was born about a month ago, and is growing stronger every day.

Keepers say the baby echidna was born to mom Tippy and dad Pickle. Apparently, it is the 24th creature of its kind to have ever been bred in captivity.

Because it doesn't yet have any spikes on its body and is therefore quite huggable, its mother still carries it around in its pouch.

However, in about a month's time, the baby echidna will more or less willingly leave this safe haven.

Its mother will stop nursing it when it is about seven or eight months old, Zoo Borns tells us.

When this happens, the baby echidna will start eating termites, ants, beetle-larvae and other invertebrates commonly found in soils.