The more, the merrier

Oct 26, 2009 09:39 GMT  ·  By

Atlus seems to be in a bit of a repenting disposition and feels really bad about what it did. The evil jokes could pour on endlessly from here, but we'll try to control ourselves since it has more than enough to go around. To make up for past evil deeds, the publisher is getting ready to release Crimson Gem Saga and Yggdra Union PlayStation Network, and although two games aren't nearly enough to make amends, the company has more charity in this latest scheme.

"We've finally reached a point where, according to our physicians, any further laughing at our masterfully executed plan of never making enough copies of our games for everyone poses risks to our health," said Aram Jabbari, Atlus' manager of PR and Sales. They may hope that giggles and laughs will make everyone forgetful, but the plan has plenty of loopholes. It's pretty obvious that, since the company fears for its own existence, it's not really a state of repentance, but more like the evil character is faced with oblivion and decides to save itself by claiming to turn a new leaf. It's a classic bad-guy move.

"In order to prevent illness, and because, hey, sometimes you just want to change things up, we're very pleased to offer PSP system classics via digital download. It may mean that we'll have to shut down our numerous online auction accounts, as we won't be able to hoard large quantities of our hard-to-find games and then slowly trickle them out at obscenely high prices anymore, but the end result will be better for everyone," is Jabbari's declaration of intent.

So they may be willing to seek salvation, but if they really did so, they should offer more than just a lot of games. They should offer a lot of games for really small prices, if not completely for free. After all, forgiveness doesn't come cheap. Still, it's a step in the right direction. The PlayStation Store additions are quite a few in number, so prepare a paper and a pen. R-Type Command, The Promised Land and the above mentioned Yggdra Union will go for $14.99, Hammerin' Hero for $19.99 and Steambot Chronicles Battle Tournament along with Crimson Gem Saga will set you back $29.99. The six games follow in the footsteps of Shin Megami Tensei Persona that was launched last month.