Players will feel emotionally invested in the new hero, according to Ubisoft

Apr 9, 2012 08:07 GMT  ·  By

The story in Assassin's Creed III focuses on a brand new hero, Connor (also known as Ratohnhaké:ton to his Mohawk brethren), and developer Ubisoft is certain that fans of previous protagonists, including Altair or Ezio, will definitely be thrilled with him. 

Ubisoft unveiled Assassin's Creed III last month and, since then, we've been hearing a lot about the upcoming action adventure game and the variety of new things it will introduce.

Chief among these new aspects is Connor, the new hero, who has some big shoes to fill as previous leading men, Altair and Ezio, have gone through a series of great adventures that resulted in lots of admirers.

According to the game's Creative Director, Alex Hutchinson, this won't be a problem, as Connor will provide a different experience and story to players.

"Altair is an assassin who's driven by duty, Ezio is a character driven by revenge. We wanted someone who was fresh. We wanted a character who was more earnest, more real, a character with more depth," he told OXM.

Just like with Ezio, players will follow Connor's adventures throughout his life, as he interacts with his Mohawk tribe, the American colonists, and the British imperial forces throughout the actual American Revolution.

"You will go from his birth, through the motivating factors that drive him to join the Assassins, through the American Revolution and finally to a resolution," he said.

Of course, besides being an Assassin, Connor's Native American heritage will also play a big role in the story and in his adventures.

"Not only is he trying to help the Assassins defeat the Templars," says Hutchinson, "but he's trying to save his own people and give them a place in the new America. It's an endeavor that's doomed to failure, of course."

Besides Connor, as we heard last week, Desmond, his current-day ancestor, will also play a big role in Assassin's Creed III, which is out at the end of October.