Messe Kopp filmed the video on the streets of Jerusalem

Mar 21, 2013 14:44 GMT  ·  By

A filmmaker has uploaded a clip of him walking backwards in Jerusalem that will confuse and delight you at the same time.

Messe Kopp is the artist that has created this video in a single shot, and has titled it “Forward” just to make our heads spin.

You can notice him struggling as he makes his way down the street. He has walked backwards throughout the entire duration of the clip, which is why you may see a lot of people stopping to try to understand what he is doing.

Some of the most powerful imagery here is created by cyclists appearing to go in reverse and playing cards flying into his hands.

The concept for this video is not exactly a new one, but it is beautifully executed and it works as a visual representation of the urban vibe given out by the Fred V. & Grafix tune.