The update is available for those who have already pre-ordered the game on Steam

Mar 26, 2013 11:21 GMT  ·  By

Along with the Early Access feature introduced by Valve for Steam users, 12 games that offer this bonus feature have made their way into the retailer’s digital store.

Bohemia Interactive’s ArmA 3 is one of those 12 games that provide early access to the alpha version to all those who have pre-purchased it.

ArmA 3 is available for pre-order on Steam for €24,99/$24.99 and aside from early access, those who pre-purchase the game will also receive 3 Alpha Lite invites and access to the beta iteration when it becomes available. Check it out here.

There’s also a digital deluxe version of the game, which includes the following goodies: digital soundtrack, digital maps, digital tactical guide and the Arma: Cold War Assault game.

Until the full version of the game arrives on Steam, Bohemia Interactive will continue to release multiple patches for the alpha and beta builds of ArmA 3.

The latest major update for ArmA 3 has been recently released on Steam and includes a huge number of changes that will certainly improve user gameplay experience.

For example, the following engine-related improvements and bug fixes have been provided in this major update:

- Shadow improvements implemented; - Improved network performance (vehicles are no longer lagging as much); - Fixed several game crashes; - Fixed synchronization of cargo poses in MP; - Fixed various inventory-related bugs and crashes; - Improved vehicle collisions; - Grenades can no longer be thrown under water; - Fixed airplane / helicopter camera shaking; - Default and Development versions have different numbering to prevent incompatibilities in multiplayer.

Developers have also added new scenario ending screen, performance optimizations and minor tweaks, as well as many balance fixes and improved mission endings.

For more details on this major update for ArmA 3 alpha build, check out Bohemia Interactive’s official announcement here.