Last billing month

Dec 5, 2006 10:51 GMT  ·  By

If you were planning on setting up on ArchLord account I advise you to wait some more because it will soon become free of charge. This will be the last month in which Codemasters will charge a fee for playing the game, according to a post on the official Codemasters community website.

The December 4th - January 4th month will be the last month of billing for ArchLord and those who paid in advance will get their money back. The post also reads that in spite of ArchLord's going free, players will receive the same high level of support. Although the GM count has been reduced, this will not have any impact on the degree of support received by the players.

Furthermore, Season II: Season of Sige will be posted on Codemasters servers soon, as they fully intend beta testing sign-ups. Previous rumors said that ArchLord was going to be shutdown, but as you can see this is not going to happen; on the contrary, it will become more open, so that new players can join.

My only question is how will Codemasters get the necessary funding to get the game going? Will an item shop be implemented? This seems the most likely situation; otherwise, there won't be any profit for the game's developers. Another option would be in-game advertising, but I'm sure that the first option would be preferred by gamers.

The game of ArchLord is a MMORPG produced by NHN Games and published by Codemasters in Europe and North America. It is set in the world of Chantra and has 3 playable races, namely human, orcs and moon elves.