Cupertino makes new aesthetic changes in the App Store’s backend

Sep 7, 2012 11:41 GMT  ·  By

The iOS 6 App Store application on iPads uses a Cover Flow view for application categories in the “Featured” tab and replaces the “Top 25” tab with “Charts.” The changes are not in the operating system, but in the backend serving up the App Store interface on devices running iOS 6.

Apple has been revamping the App Store in iOS 6 for a while now, starting with a new interface that clearly takes cues from Chomp (the app discovery company acquired by Apple).

Apple also switched on Genius recommendations for apps, and it is now moving forward with other UI tweaks, including a new Featured section, and the renaming of the Top tab to “Charts.”

Featured now shows a Cover Flow selector for application categories at the very top of the user’s screen. This only applies to the iPad version of the App Store, as the iPhone interface only allows for a single image (banner) at the top of the screen.

Two rows of icons placed below the Cover Flow selector show compilations of apps such as “App Store Essentials” and “Apps Starter Kit.”

Another change noticed by iOS 6 testers was that selections now scroll smoothly, as opposed to the previous “stepped interface” that only allowed sets of three icons to reel left and right.

As for the new Charts tab, it’s simply a renamed version of the Top 25 section that features the top 25 apps. No changes have been made here so far, but there’s still time.

iOS 6 will be available for iPhone, iPad and the iPod touch this fall as a free software update, Apple has confirmed.

The software brings with it an all-new Maps app with Apple-designed cartography, 3D views and turn-by-turn navigation, new Siri features, Facebook integration, Shared Photo Streams via iCloud, and Passbook, a new app that keeps all your passes in your iPhone.