Footage of alleged tablet device makes it to the Internet

Aug 13, 2009 13:56 GMT  ·  By

Two videos of a purported Apple Tablet have been making the rounds with most of the viewers calling them fake. Starting from badly synchronized commands & actions and ending with a distorted LCD screen as it “feels” the touch of the user’s finger, Softpedia also believes the footage is a lie.

But intriguing, nonetheless. It well adds to the speculation that an Apple tablet is sought on the market. If people go to this much trouble to create videos and concepts of what would be Apple’s next-gen device, while viewers eat them up in a jiffy, there’s clearly a demand.

Unfortunately for those wishing the device were real, Apple has done anything but confirm the development of such a product, even claiming it makes no sense for it to jump in the netbook market. Still, Apple may not be creating something that can be characterized as a netbook. So, naturally, everyone’s bet is on a tablet. Such a device would integrate well with the rest of the Mac maker’s products and, of course, it would do what Apple loves the most: revolutionize!

Adding fuel to the fire, most analysts’ prognostications also include the so-called iTablet – a device filling the gap some believe exists between the iPod touch and the company’s Mac notebooks. One analyst even went on the record to describe a “hands-on experience” with a prototype of the alleged device. This is just about enough to get people making these videos.

Readers are encouraged to share their impressions with Softpedia (and fellow readers) as regards the elements that may seem real or not-so-real in these two videos. And we’ll get this thing started too: who honestly believes Apple will use an LCD screen that distorts when you touch it? If anything, the iTablet will have an even better screen than the iPhone.

iTablet development platform?

Purported Apple Tablet video