Illegal unlocks are no longer a problem...

Dec 10, 2007 13:48 GMT  ·  By

Apple has tried to stem the tide of illegally unlocked iPhones in various ways, as they represent a significant revenue loss for the company. Although various strategies have been employed, ultimately, it was the legal system that allowed Apple to both have its cake and eat it too, by forcing the company into unlocking the devices themselves.

Exactly how much money Apple gets from carriers for each iPhone sold depends on the country, and the exact figures remain undisclosed. However, it is clear from the costs of the devices in various states that it is a significant amount, and it all adds up.

Approximately a fifth of all iPhones sold in the US were not registered with AT&T, a very strong indication that they were bought for the sole purpose of being unlocked and resold. Besides bricking the offending phones, Apple has also proactively tried to stop the bleeding, by limiting the number of iPhones that can be sold to a customer and insisting on credit card payment.

These measures gave rise to protests, but the company refused to back down. Now, SetteB.IT reports that the number of iPhones that any customer can purchase has been raised from two to five, in both the US and the UK. The demand for unlocked iPhones all over the world has not changed, so it is obvious that the move comes as a result of the fact that Apple has been legally forced to unlock the device in certain countries. Considering the fact that an unlocked iPhone on the black market costs almost as much as an officially unlocked iPhone bought in one of the countries, where the company's hand was forced by the legal system, it makes sense that people would prefer buying an unlocked phone directly from the source.

The market for unlocked iPhones is big, but catering to it from the get go would not have been possible, while also getting the amazing deals the company has been able to strike with carriers. By playing this way and letting the legal system in France and Germany force them to unlock the phones, Apple has managed to come out in a perfect win-win situation.