Support to be discontinued for certain technologically obsolete and vintage products

Feb 6, 2009 10:41 GMT  ·  By

Apple has announced plans to drop support for some of its older products, including the PowerBook G4, the Macintosh Server G4 (Digital Audio) and more. Three weeks from now, Apple will discontinue repair support for these aging Macs.

A support bulletin that was subsequently picked up by MacMerc reveals that Apple plans to discontinue support for certain technologically obsolete and vintage products, according to AppleInsider.

“Vintage products are those that were discontinued more than five and less than seven years ago,” according to an Apple Support document. “Apple has discontinued hardware service for vintage products with the following exception: Products purchased in the state of California, United States, as required by statute. Owners of these products may obtain service and parts from Apple Service Providers within the state of California, United States.”

“Obsolete products are those that were discontinued more than seven years ago,” Apple says. The company discontinues all hardware service for obsolete products. No exceptions whatsoever are made. “Service providers cannot order parts for obsolete products.”


Apple will discontinue support for the following products come next month, when they are set to be referred to as “obsolete products”:

- PowerBook G4 - Power Mac G4 (Digital Audio) - Power Mac G4 (Quicksilver) - Macintosh Server G4 (Digital Audio) - Macintosh Server G4 (Quicksilver).

No service providers will be able to order replacement parts for repairs when Apple lifts its hand off these babies, so if you have one that's in need of repairs, better get a move on.


- Xserve RAID - Xserve (Slot Load) - Xserve (Cluster Node).

Thee three Xserves will be classified as "vintage products." While hardware service will be discontinued for these vintage products as well, those purchased in California will continue to be supported - as required by statute. As such, owners of one of these three Xserves may still receive service (including exchange parts) from Apple Service Providers within the state of California.