Mepis derivative

Jun 8, 2007 13:54 GMT  ·  By

MEPIS announces the availability for testing of AntiX, a release candidate of a community built ultra-lite derivative of Mepis which should be able to work on very old PC hardware.

AntiX is not a lite version of SimplyMEPIS though. AntiX is not even an official product of MEPIS. It is based on the MEPIS Linux core and takes in some default applications such as: fluxbox and ice window managers, Abiword, Gnumeric, Leafpad, Scite, Nano, xine, Midnight Commander, GIMP, xpdf, Firefox2, Sylpheed-claws, Dillo, Links2, Gaim, Xchat, gftp, Pan, Irssi, Raggle RSS reader, mozilla-mplayer, xmms, mplayer, Gtk-Gnutella, bittorrent, flash, Audacity, rox-filer, xarchive, xcdroast and graveman.

The developer of AntiX, "Anti" states about this RC:

"My remastered Mepis 6.5, antiX, is an attempt to give something back to the community, and aimed for boxes with 128MB RAM (It does work with 64MB RAM + 128MB swap). You can call it whatever you like, but it is supposed to be like antics (fun) and antiques (ie older boxes). Plus anti from my name."

Warren Woodford, developer of MEPIS added:

"I'm really happy anti did this project. I've had requests for a long time, for a version of MEPIS that would work with only 64 MB of RAM, but we didn't have time to do it. I'm very impressed with anti's work."

As I've said before, AntiX release client is available for testings and the interested users are welcomed to contact via the forums at or mepis.or regarding any bug or malfunction they'd meet.

About MEPIS:

MEPIS refers to a set of Linux distributions distributed as LiveCDs which can be installed onto a hard disk. The most popular of these distributions is SimplyMEPIS. MEPIS distributions are based on Debian, some of them indirectly (for example, SimplyMEPIS is based on Ubuntu, which is in turn based on Debian).