The garments are made from an innovative material that blocks beta rays

Nov 18, 2013 20:56 GMT  ·  By
New underwear, wetsuits promise to protect Fukushima workers againts radiation
   New underwear, wetsuits promise to protect Fukushima workers againts radiation

This Monday, Tepco debuted cleanup activities at Fukushima. Given the series of incidents reported at the nuclear facility over the past few months, it's no wonder that people are skeptical that the process to decommission the plant will go as smoothly as Tepco has promised.

Hence, many might not think twice about buying the anti-radiation underwear recently unveiled by the Yamamoto Corporation. The Telegraph tells us that this underwear is made from an innovative material that keeps one's spine and lower abdomen safe from beta rays. One pair costs about £511 (€610 / $823.4).

Together with this underwear, the Yamamoto Corporation unveiled a line of wetsuits made from the very same material and promising to offer even more protection against radiation exposure.

The wetsuits cost £663 each (€791.5 / $1,068).

The Yamamoto Corporation says that both the underwear and the wetsuits are intended to the worn by workers taking part in decommissioning the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant.

The garments are supposed to be worn together with conventional anti-radiation gear.