"I really, really want to!"

Jan 3, 2007 12:02 GMT  ·  By

I know many of you like Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops and probably some of you are still playing it as it was launched not so long ago, in the last month of 2006. It did extremely well in sales and it managed to get great review scores.

What is the next logical move for Kojima Production? A sequel! Yes, you're reading it right, there will be a Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops game, as Eurogamer reports. They have taken this information out of a PSM podcast with Ryan Payton who admits that he loves the game but that it had screwed up his social life: "If it's successful on the retail level there will definitely be a sequel. Just on a personal level that's something I really, really want to do".

The really, really do it! Maybe a lot of gamers would like another adventure with Naked Snake and Gene. Naked Snake who is voiced by David Hayter (he did some writing on the first two Xmen movies) is awarded the title of Big Boss but he refuses it and still goes by his old codename. He is forced to fight his former unit, FOX, after they investigate a revolt in a South American base. Snake teams up with Roy Campbell, a member of the Green Berets, team sent to neutralize the FOX unit.

Several characters from Metal Gear Solid 3 make their way back with Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops, some supporting characters. They contribute to the main plot of the game, and finally you can unlock some secret characters such as Teliko Friedman and Venus, the heroines from Metal Gear Acid and its sequel.