Rob Ford is once again targeted by the hacktivist movement

Jun 15, 2013 09:16 GMT  ·  By

Back in May, news emerged about a video allegedly showing Rob Ford, the Mayor of Toronto, smoking crack. Ford has denied the existence of the video, but the case is far from over.

Earlier this week, Toronto police carried out a series of raids on a Dixon-Kipling apartment complex. 40 guns and an impressive amount of narcotics were seized.

Since Dixon-Kipling is believed to be the location where the video of the mayor was allegedly shot, speculation began about a possible link. However, police representatives refused to comment, and the mayor claimed he didn’t know much about the police operation.

Shortly after Ford’s statement, Anonymous hackers revealed that they were also looking for the video.

“YAN spoke briefly with a key player involved with selling the Rob Ford crack video. We believe a copy was being kept in Alberta,” the hacktivists said in a tweet posted on YourAnonNews on Thursday.

That was the only tweet posted by Anonymous on the subject so far. However, as Huffington Post highlights, this wouldn’t be the first time when the hackers target the Toronto mayor.

Back in 2011, they issued a message to Ford after he threatened to “remove” Occupy protesters.