The campaign focuses on the Agent Orange substance used by the US in the Vietnam War

Nov 8, 2013 18:26 GMT  ·  By

Anonymous hacktivists have launched a new operation called OpOrangedays 2013. The campaign is aimed at what they call “wars businessmen,” individuals who profit from weapons of any kind.

The operation particularly focuses on Agent Orange, or Herbicide Orange, one of the substances used by the US military as part of its herbicidal warfare program in the Vietnam War.

The hackers say the effects of this warfare program can be seen even today, with hundreds of thousands of children being born with birth defects because of it.

Anonymous accuses the US government of turning a blind eye to the issue. Furthermore, they claim the US is introducing new such weapons.

It’s uncertain what the hacktivists plan on targeting as part of this operation. It will be interesting to see if the campaign manages to attract any supporters. If it doesn’t, it’s unlikely that anything will become of it.