Nov 5, 2010 08:27 GMT  ·  By

According to a recent survey published by mobile ad network company Millennial Media, DigiDay and Stifel Nicolaus, Apple's iPhone remains the most attractive platform for developers in 2010 with about 30%

The best selling smartphone in the US is followed by Google's Android platform which managed a spectacular growth to 23% and is closely edged by Apple's iPad platform with 21%.

From 2009 to 2010, Android and iPad saw the most significant growth as the mobile application platforms of choice, while iPhone and Palm were the two platforms that saw year-over-year decrease.

This shouldn't surprise anyone, but it looks like Palm (5%) and Symbian (3%) are on the last two places as the most “unwanted” platforms for application publishers.

The quoted research survey also projects that for the next year Android, iPad and Windows Mobile 7 are in the lead to receive the most attention from developers.

When asked what platforms publishers will add support in the coming year, Android went to pole position with 14%, while Windows Phone 7 and iPad share the second place, each with 10%.

Interesting is that iPhone platform will continue to decrease next year, as it appears only on fifth place with 4%, right after RIM's 6%.

“We have seen significant cross-platform adoption in the past year and can expect to see continued growth and diversity in the coming year,” said Mack McKelvey, senior vice president of marketing at Millennial Media.

Publishers anticipate significant growth in their application revenue in 2011. 31% of those surveyed said they expect an increase of 100% or more in 2011, while 17% believe they will see an increase of 50% or more.

It is possible that next year we will see a switch between first two places, with Android coming fast from the second place to challenge the iPhone.

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Mobile app platforms for which publishers are developing in 2010New app platforms publishers plan to support in 2011