Take over Rubi-ka until January 2008

Oct 30, 2006 08:41 GMT  ·  By

After allowing gamers to play Anarchy Online for free, Funcom is in a generous mood again. They have decided to extend the free play time period and to add a little bit extra.

The free playtime period has been extended until January 2008 and an extra feature has been added, namely the Notum Wars expansion pack. This new feature is also for free. This seems peculiar, as nobody knows how Funcom expects to make money of this game? Are they selling advertising space on their servers or what? I guess that if you want to get rid of any annoying advertising, all you have to do is to pay a monthly subscription.

Nevertheless, Funcom CEO Trond Arne Aas named this free offer a success and revealed that the one million users mark for the science fiction MMORPG is near. Anarchy Online is one of the few MMORPGs out there that makes use of science fiction and not fantasy like the other popular MMORPGs. The game takes place in the year 29475 on planet Rubi-Ka and in its parallel universe, the Shadowlands.

Two main factions are present in the game, namely the Omni-Tek and the Clans. Onmi-Tek is some sort of a mega-corporation while the Clans is made up of rebel workers. And guess what? These two factions are fighting each other. They both want to control Rubi-Ka. Observing this whole conflict but not interfering is the third faction present in the game, namely the Neutral Observers.