Welcome to communism!

Sep 21, 2005 13:50 GMT  ·  By

You Are Empty offers players an alternative approach to the history of the late fifties of the XX century. Scene of action is the Soviet Union. Leading Soviet scientists start a big experiment that alter human physiology and mentality in order to create super humans capable of building bright future and communism all over the world. But something goes wrong?

As a result the whole city, where that experiment took place, goes on a rampage. The majority of citizens died, and those who survived turned into hideous mutants - the only inhabitants of deserted streets.

You Are Empty immerses you in an exaggerated dark and obscure atmosphere of Soviet totalitarianism. Fighting against mutants, that obtained super power after the experiment was carried out, the main hero tries to gain an understanding of what's happening around and save the day.

Some game features:

- Unique conventionalized environment of the Soviet totalitarian society. - Fascinating and unusual storyline. Multiple endings. - Rich and unforgettable game experience. Main character is also subject to the effect of the experiment and runs risks of turning into a mutant himself. From time to time mutation powers have an a serious influence upon gameplay as player also gains some super powers. - Superb visual effects, including post-effects. - Distinctive and lively characters. - Due to new DS2 Engine the game introduces a high level of details and realism. - Realistic physics engine and sophisticated AI system.

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