Sun wants some of Dell's clients

Sep 27, 2005 12:31 GMT  ·  By

Sun is determined to convince some of Dell's clients to drop their current supplier of servers. For that purpose, the company has launched a promotion for those who own such a system.

The promotional campaign, which is available here vazuta aici , promises a 20% trade-up allowance for any qualified Dell server traded in. In addition, a Dell server is appraised at $1,900, so the potential buyers will pay only the difference.

Sun also published the list of Dell servers that are eligible for replacement, the special offer including 15 Dell PowerEdge models.

The Sun servers are built on AMD's Opteron processors and the company claims that its servers are 50% faster than Dell's models, which are fitted with Intel Xeon processors.

In addition, Sun outlines that one rack with Fire X 4100 servers will have a 56% lower power consumption rate than one from Dell.

The special offer is available until March 24, 2006; the clients have to send the Dell server within 90 days. The price for the Fire X 4100 and Fire X 4200 servers is $2,195 and $2,595 respectively.