The most sluggish time of day was revealed to be between 3 am and 4 am

Oct 14, 2013 14:38 GMT  ·  By

Everybody these days owns some sort of mobile device like a tablet or a smartphone, and you’d expect people to use those devices when they are away from home and certainly not in the evening when they should be spending some family time or relaxing in front of the TV.

As it turns out, these suppositions are completely wrong. A new survey conducted by app analytics specialists Localytics came to the conclusion that Americans using a tablet or smartphone are mostly active around 9 pm, reports Quartz. What’s popular then? Why streaming videos and browsing social media?

However, when news-related media is concerned, Localytics has noticed an increase in readership around 7 am in the morning, which drops abruptly around 9 am, when most people are getting ready to head out but are probably still at the breakfast table. It appears tablets are replacing newspapers.

The company has been tracking 1 billion devices and 20,000 different apps in order to gather the information used as base line for the findings. The research also highlight that tablets are not the device of choice for most users throughout the day, but that can be explained by the fact that not many of us bring their slate to work, as opposed to the smartphone.

It also appears that users tend to use their mobile devices more during weekends. Taking a quick trip into nature has most likely lost its mojo for most of us.