Recent comScore data places Google on top of US users' preferences

May 15, 2008 09:17 GMT  ·  By

A recently released comScore data has placed Google as the leader of the online audience in the United States. It appears that the Mountain View giant has had an audience growth of approximately 18% in April this year. The 141.1 million US users visiting the Google pages have placed the American company on top of all its other competitors.

Google's audience growth is considerably larger than Yahoo's only 7% increase in visitors. The impressive numbers are explained mainly due Google's continuous expansion of its services. Yahoo lost the number one spot in the top search engines but has succeeded to stay in the top throughout the past year because of its broad array of services, like news and photo sharing. With a number of 121 million visitors, Microsoft has placed third in the top US websites.

Over the past years, Google has succeeded to make the step from a search engine website to a powerful provider of innovative Internet-based products. The Mountain View company has announced a series of future products, which are sure to boost their number of US and worldwide visitors. As we also informed you, the company is expected to release a major revival of its products sometime in the second quarter of this year. Yahoo will try to be more open to its users' preferences and is said to rethink and rebuild the Yahoo platform, inside-out.

But still, a large company such as Yahoo will most certainly try to step up to its name and provide its users with a better quality for their products and services. The company has been recently faced, just in February, with a $31per share request for acquisition from Microsoft. Steve Ballmer's company saw this acquisition as a means of providing Google with a serious competitor, by joining the knowledge and financial power of both companies.