A new game from the maker of Alice

Apr 27, 2005 12:01 GMT  ·  By

American McGee, ex-designer for id Software and maker of American McGee's Alice, is getting ready to release another weird, yet interesting game.

Bad Day LA, which will be released at the beginning of 2006 for PC and Xbox, is announced as a satire to Los Angeles which is perceived by American McGee as hell on earth.

And since anti-heroes (Chronicles of Riddick or Triple X) are so hip nowadays, the main character will be Anthony Williams, a vagrant who hates Los Angeles, but steps in when the city is attacked by zombies and terrorists. Throughout the 10 levels, Anthony Williams will have to use his knowledge of the streets and in the end save the city he criticized so much.

In Bad Day LA you will make weapons using the strangest combinations, and American McGee promises fantastic sceneries which will recreate known locations, like Beverly Hills, Venice Beach and Hollywood.

American McGee wants Anthony Williams to be an anti-hero full of humor and as politically incorrect as possible. This character will surely offend half of America, while entertaining the other.