Meanwhile, the rapper is worth 20 times more

Sep 26, 2014 12:35 GMT  ·  By
Amber Rose stands to make one million dollars from her divorce from Wiz Khalifa
   Amber Rose stands to make one million dollars from her divorce from Wiz Khalifa

New developments in the Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa divorce. After yesterday the couple blamed one another of infidelities, today, Amber is already counting her money in the divorce. Unfortunately for her, it's not as much as she would hope, but it appears that she's also seeking spousal support.

TMZ reports that, based on a signed prenup, Amber stands to make a little over one million dollars (€784,252). The prenuptial agreement was reportedly rather debated, but in the end Wiz conceded to signing it and now Amber is waving it in his face.

Amber stipulated one million dollars in her prenup, but now she wants more

Wiz Khalifa is estimated to have a net worth of $20 million (€15.6 million) which means that Amber would be entitled to a lot more than one million, but TMZ insists that she wouldn't even get that million if it weren't for the prenup.

Amber has come forward to deny the rumors that she cheated on Khalifa during their one-year marriage, but added that he couldn't say the same thing. Which is why, on top of her one million, Amber is demanding that Wiz shell out for spousal support as well.

Khalifa's camp doesn't want to pay her an extra dime on top of the million so it's very likely that the two are going to end up in court over the money. If you think that Khalifa's cheating is going to end up costing him extra in the divorce, think again, California is a no-fault state.

Rose also asked for full custody of their 1-year-old son, Sebastian

The blond model opened up on Twitter to thank fans for their support and pointed out that she was now focusing her efforts on her son Sebastian, making sure that the transition is as smooth as possible. “I'm devastated and crushed but my main focus is Sebastian. Thank u for all the support in this difficult time.”

It's been revealed that Amber also demanded for full custody of the baby in the divorce, and from the looks of things, she might actually get it. The custody part was not mentioned in the 8-page prenup, but that's because the judge usually makes the decision about who ends up with the child, based on the child's best interests.

As far as Khalifa is concerned, he hasn't said anything about the split yet, but his first messages on social media showed him in good spirit, despite the fact that the media is saying Nick Cannon has caused the split between him and his wife.